HTET Syllabus 2020 for TGT/PGT/Primary Teacher: HTET Exam Pattern

HTET Syllabus 2020: The complete knowledge of the HTET detail syllabus and exam pattern is very necessary to crack the HTET 2020 exam. The Haryana Board of Education releases the notification for the Haryana teaching eligibility test. HTET 2020 exam takes place in three levels. Haryana TET Level 1 for the Primary Teacher, HTET Level 2 for Trained Graduate Teacher, and HTET Level 3 for Post Graduate Teacher.

The HTET exam will be conducted shortly for the year 2020. In this article, we are sharing the complete syllabus and the exam pattern of all the subjects for the Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test 2020. Make sure you follow the official HTET Syllabus and exam pattern in order to ace the exam with an outstanding score.

HTET Syllabus 2020

The HTET syllabus for level-I, II & III has some common subjects, for which the subjects that needed to be prepared are:

  1. Child development and Pedagogy
  2. Hindi language
  3. English language
  4. General studies: which includes three parts Reasoning ability, Quantitative aptitude and Haryana GK.

Check out the syllabus of Level-I, Level-II, and Level-III for HTET 2020.

Subject NameTopics
Child Development and PedagogyThe concept of development and its relationship with learning
Principles of the development of children
Influence of Heredity & Environment
Socialization processes: Social world & children (Teacher, Parents, Peers)
Piaget, Kohlberg, and Vygotsky: constructs and critical perspectives
Concepts of child-centered and progressive education
Critical perspective of the construct of Intelligence
Multi-Dimensional Intelligence Language & Thought
Gender as a social construct; gender roles, gender-bias and educational practice
Individual differences among learners, understanding differences based on diversity of language, caste, gender, community, religion etc.
The distinction between Assessment for learning and assessment of learning; School-Based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation: perspective and practice
Formulating appropriate questions for assessing readiness levels of learners; for enhancing learning and critical thinking in the classroom and for assessing learner achievement.
The concept of Inclusive education and understanding children with special needs
Addressing learners from diverse backgrounds including disadvantaged and deprived
Addressing the needs of children with learning difficulties, ‘impairment’ etc.
Addressing the Talented, Creative, Specially abled Learners
Learning and Pedagogy
How children think and learn; how and why children ‘fail’ to achieve success in school performance.
Basic processes of teaching and learning; children’s strategies of learning; learning as a social activity; social context of learning.
Child as a problem solver and a ‘scientific investigator’
Alternative conceptions of learning in children, understanding children’s ‘errors’ as significant steps in the learning process.
Cognition & Emotions
Motivation and learning
Factors contributing to learning – personal & environmental
English / Hindi LanguageLanguage Comprehension Reading unseen passages –
Questions based on the passage, including antonyms and synonyms from the passage or prose or drama or poem.
grammar and verbal ability (Prose passage may be literary, scientific, narrative or discursive)
Pedagogy of Language Development
Learning and acquisition
Principles of Language Teaching
Role of listening and speaking; function of language and how children use it as a tool
A critical perspective on the role of grammar in learning a language for communicating ideas verbally and in written form
Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroom; language difficulties, errors and disorders
Language Skills
Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency: speaking, listening, reading and writing
Teaching-learning materials: Textbook, multi-media materials, a multilingual resource for the classroom
Remedial Teaching
MathematicsGeometry – Circle, Triangle, Rectangle, Square and related theorems
Shapes and Spatial Understanding
Solids around us – Cube, Cuboid, Cone, Cylinder, Sphere, Hemisphere etc.
Number System – LCM, HCF, Factors, Unit digit, Digit Sum etc.
BODMAS – Simplifications including Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division
 Pedagogical issues 
Nature of Mathematics/Logical thinking; understanding children’s thinking and reasoning patterns and strategies of making meaning and learning
Place of Mathematics in Curriculum
Language of Mathematics
Community Mathematics
Evaluation through formal and informal methods
Problems of Teaching
Quantitative AptitudeSimplification
Ratio and Proportion
on Ages
Speed Time & Distance
Profit & Loss
Number Series
Number System
Data Interpretation
Time & Work
Reasoning AbilityClassification
Word formation
Arranging words
in Meaningful order or Dictionary order
Venn diagram
Directions; Distances
Blood Relations
Missing Number
Non-Verbal Reasoning
Haryana General KnowledgeCulture of Haryana
Haryana History
Geography Haryana
Environment – Haryana
Economy/Polity of Haryana
General Science
Misc. GK- Sports, Books, Dates, Schemes
Environmental StudiesRelationships
Work and Play
Pedagogical Issues
Concept and scope of EVS
Significance of EVS integrated EVS
Environmental Studies & Environmental Education
Learning Principles
Scope & relation to Science & Social Science
Approaches to presenting concepts
Experimentation/Practical Work
Teaching material/Aids Problems

This is the syllabus of the common subjects of all three levels. For subject-specific syllabus for TGTs and PGTs you are advised to follow given tips: –

  • Complete Haryana Board books for the subject-specific part from 8th Class to 12th 
  • Follow a good book for quick revision purpose from a good author or you can refer to online materials for a subject.
  • Take mock tests as many as you can.
  • Do the proper analysis of mock tests.
  • Be regular in studies, don’t skip even a single day.

Haryana TET Exam Pattern 2020

HTET Exam Pattern for Primary Teacher (Level-1)

                           Subject DetailNumber of QuestionTotal Marks
Child Development & Pedagogy3030
Environmental Studies3030
LanguageHindi Language1515
English Language1515
General StudiesQuantitative Aptitude1010
Reasoning Ability1010
Haryana G.K.1010
Total 150150

HTET Exam Pattern for Trained Graduate Teacher (Level-2)

                           Subject DetailNumber of QuestionTotal Marks
Child Development & Pedagogy3030
Concerned Subjects6060
LanguageHindi Language1515
English Language1515
General StudiesQuantitative Aptitude1010
Reasoning Ability1010
Haryana G.K.1010

HTET Exam Pattern for Post Graduate Teacher (Level-3)

                           Subject DetailNumber of QuestionTotal Marks
Child Development & Pedagogy3030
Concerned Subjects6060
LanguageHindi Language1515
English Language1515
General StudiesQuantitative Aptitude1010
Reasoning Ability1010
Haryana G.K.1010

HTET 2020 Exam-Important Pointers

  1. Haryana TET 2020 will be conducted for three different levels-
    Level-I for PRT
    Level-II for TGT
    Level-III for PGT
  2. The examination will be of total 150 questions and each question will be of 1 mark each.
  3. The mode of examination will be MCQ that is multiple-choice questions
  4. The question paper will be available in two languages, Hindi and English.
  5. The level-II and level-III question papers will have a section based on the specific subject they opt.
  6. The General studies section will consist of GK questions based on Haryana history, geography, and other aspects.
  7. The level of toughness of the question paper will be different for all three levels. However, all over the paper can be expected to a moderate level.

Frequently Asked Question about HTET 2020

Question- Who prepares the HTET syllabus?
Ans- Board of Secondary Education Haryana also known as BSEH is responsible for the HTET syllabus every year.

Question- What is the difference between HTET Level-I and Level-II syllabus?
Ans- Level-1 syllabus is for the primary teachers hence the syllabus will not include concerned subject syllabus. Level-II syllabus includes the subject-specific parts as well as the part common for all three levels which include, CDP, General studies, Hindi and English.

Question- What is the difficulty level of HTET?
Ans- The questions asked in Haryana TET are of moderate level. The subject concerned part can be a little trickier and would demand special attention while preparing for it. The PRT questions will be up to the 5th class level, TGT questions will be from the 6th to 8th class level and the PGT questions will be from the 9th class onwards.

Question- What are the types of questions asked in the HTET exam?
Ans- The questions will be of multiple-choice questions also known as MCQ. Every question will have 4 choices and you will have to select one out of the four options.

Question- What is the medium of Haryana TET papers?
Ans- The questions paper will be bilingual which means that the questions will be available both in Hindi and English. Candidates can go for any language of their choice.

Question- What is the duration of the HTET exam?
Ans- The HTET exam for all three levels is 150 minutes duration.

Teaching and Research Aptitude, Reasoning Notes for HTET 2020

Apply for HTET 2020 Here

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