Your can Download here e-Books and PDF Notes for Management Courses or discipline such MBA e-Books and PDF Notes, BBA e-Books and PDF Notes. So all the management e-Books such as Finance, Marketing, Accounting, HRM, Economics, Statistics are available here.
Business Management & Economics PDF Notes – UGC NET Management
0In this book of business management & managerial economics for UGC NET Management, MBA, BBA, M.COM, B.COM, we are going to explain every aspect of economics and business. It includes management functions, theories, approaches, communication, decision making, controlling, organizational structure, pricing strategies, production functions, demand, supply, elasticity, pricing strategy, return to scale, price determination, theory of cost, etc.
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Human Resource Management for UGC NET HRM, MBA, BBA, B.COM & M.COM
0This Book of Human Resource Management (HRM) is best and suitable for UGC NET, MBA, BBA, B.COM & M.COM. All contents are covered
Organizational Behaviour – UGC NET HRM | MBA | BBA | B.COM | M.COM
0This book of Organizational Behaviour is best and suitable for UGC NET HRM| MBA| BBA|B.COM| M.COM and covered complete syllabus as per new pattern.
Organizational Behaviour (OB) & HRM PDF Notes – UGC NET Management
0In this ebook of Organizational Behaviour & HRM (Human Resource Management), we have covered whole contents as per the latest syllabus of UGC NET Management. Following contents are included in this ebook
Unit-3: HRM PDF Notes | Book | eBook – UGC NET Management
0In this eBook, Book, Notes of Human Resource Management (HRM) PDF Notes of UGC NET Management we have covered the whole complete syllabus as per the new and latest Syllabus.
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To read complete eBook, First Purchase the eBook and Then click on the ebook Cover/Image