UGC NET Commerce Notes

UGC NET Management Notes Free PDF and Study Material

Unit-Wise UGC NET Commerce PDF Notes and Study Material

UGC NET Paper 2 Management eBooks / PDF Notes

UGC NET Paper 2 Management free PDF Notes & Study Material, Books, eBooks as per according to latest NTA Syllabus and pattern. Get all unit-wise notes and study material followed by MCQs and previous years questions at the end of each unit.

Unit-Wise UGC NET Management Notes eBooks

UGC NET Paper 2 Management free PDF Notes & Study Material, Books, eBooks as per according to latest NTA SyllabusAll the Management Aspirants who are preparing for UGC NET Exams for their upcoming exams then they can prepare with our free pdf notes and study material. Apart from this, we are also providing Mock tests, Test Series, Books, e-Books, eBooks, pdf notes, Study Material, Online Courses, and Live Classes.

Free PDF Notes for NTA UGC NET Management

The unit-wise and subject-wise pdf notes are available for UGC NET Management. Read free Online Now:

The syllabus for UGC NET Management comprises of ten major units with various topics and subtopics as mentioned in the pdf Notes, ebooks and study material followed by MOck Test and MCQs. Candidates will need to go through all these ten units to make sure they have a fighting chance are clearing the examination. The ten units under the management syllabus are as follows:

Free Study Material for UGC NET Management Notes

  1. Management
  2. Organizational Behaviour
  3. Human Resource Management
  4. Financial Statements
  5. Financial Management
  6. Strategic Management
  7. Consumer and Industrial Buying Behavior
  8. Statistics for Management
  9. International Business
  10. Entrepreneurship Development

ALL UGC NET Management Books

UGC NET Management Syllabus Paper 2 (Code 17) Updated

Unit-I: Management

Topics in the first unit focus on the study of methods of dealing and controlling groups, things, or people in the area of communication, decision-making, concepts, measurement, types of inflation or national income, and ethics of business with governance.

ManagementConcept, Process, Theories & Approaches, Management roles, and Skills
FunctionsCoordinating and Controlling, Organizing, Planning, Staffing
CommunicationProcess and Barriers, Types
Decision MakingConcept, Process, Techniques, and Tools
Organization Structure and DesignAuthority, Centralisation, Responsibility, Types, Decentralisation and Span of Control
Managerial EconomicsConcept & Importance
Demand analysisUtility Analysis, Indifference Curve, Elasticity & Forecasting
Market StructuresMarket Classification & Price Determination
National IncomeConcept, Types, and Measurement
InflationConcept, Types, and Measurement
Business Ethics & CSR—
Ethical Issues & Dilemma
Corporate Governance
Value-Based Organisation

Unit-II: Organizational Behavior

The topics often highlight more about the interface between the organization and the behavior of human beings, and the organization, the behavior of the group, individual, organizational, and interpersonal. A study on analysis of the jobs aspects and transactional analysis.

Organizational BehaviourSignificance & Theories
Individual BehaviourPersonality, Perception, Values, Attitude, Learning, and Motivation
Group BehaviourTeam Building, Leadership, Group Dynamics
Interpersonal Behaviour & Transactional Analysis—
Organizational Culture & Climate
Workforce Diversity & Cross Culture Organisational Behaviour
Emotions and Stress Management
Organisational Justice and Whistle Blowing
Human Resource ManagementConcept, Perspectives, Influences, and Recent Trends
Human Resource Planning, Recruitment, and Selection, Induction, Training, and Development—
Job Analysis, Job Evaluation, and Compensation Management

Unit-III: Human Resource Management

The management syllabi cover more on the management approach bringing a strategic plan to increase employee performance, skills and organizational development, international human resources development, and more.

Strategic Role of Human Resource Management—
Competency Mapping & Balanced Scoreboard
Career Planning and Development
Performance Management and Appraisal
Organization Development, Change & OD Interventions
Talent Management & Skill Development
Employee Engagement & Work-Life Balance
Industrial RelationsDisputes & Grievance Management, Labour Welfare and Social Security
Trade Union & Collective Bargaining—
International Human Resource ManagementHR Challenge of International Business Green HRM

Unit-IV: Financial Statements

This section considers study on easily understandable and easily structured forms of financial information related to topics like accounting principles and standards, capital structure, operating, budgeting and levering and more.

Accounting Principles and Standards, Preparation of Financial Statements—
Financial Statement AnalysisRatio Analysis, Funds Flow and Cash Flow Analysis, DuPont Analysis
Preparation of Cost Sheet, Marginal Costing, Cost Volume Profit Analysis—
Standard Costing & Variance Analysis
Financial Management, Concept & Functions
Capital StructureTheories, Cost of Capital, Sources and Finance
Budgeting and Budgetary Control, Types and Process, Zero base Budgeting—
Operating, Financial and Combined Leverages, EBIT–EPS Analysis, Financial Breakeven Point & Indifference Level

Unit V: Financial Management

Mainly deals to understand and study to acquire the process of organization, planning, monitoring, operating and controlling the financial resources to obtain the vision and objective of an organization with the understanding of all the topics listed below.

Value & ReturnsTime Preference for Money, Valuation of Bonds and Shares, Risk and Returns
Capital BudgetingNature of Investment, Evaluation, Comparison of Methods; Risk and Uncertainty Analysis
DividendTheories and Determination
Mergers and AcquisitionCorporate Restructuring, Value Creation, Merger Negotiations, Leveraged Buyouts, Takeover
Portfolio ManagementCAPM, APT
DerivativesOptions, Option Payoffs, Option Pricing, Forward Contracts & Future Contracts
Working Capital ManagementDeterminants, Cash, Inventory, Receivables and Payables Management, Factoring
International Financial Management, Foreign exchange market—

Unit VI: Strategic Management

These kinds of management studies aim at strategic management, implementation, formulation, market segmentation, product and pricing decision making, place and promotion, and the accessible formulation to achieve growth in an organization.

Strategic ManagementConcept, Process, Decision & Types
Strategic AnalysisExternal Analysis, PEST, Porter’s Approach to industry analysis, Internal Analysis – Resource-Based Approach, Value Chain Analysis
Strategy FormulationSWOT Analysis, Corporate Strategy – Growth, Stability, Retrenchment, Integration and Diversification, Business Portfolio Analysis – BCG, GE Business Model, Ansoff’s Product-Market Growth Matrix
Strategy ImplementationChallenges of Change, Developing Programs Mckinsey 7s Framework Marketing
MarketingConcept, Orientation, Trends and Tasks, Customer Value and Satisfaction
Market Segmentation, Positioning and Targeting—
Product and Pricing DecisionProduct Mix, Product Life Cycle, New Product development, Pricing – Types and Strategies
Place and promotion decisionMarketing channels and value networks, VMS, IMC, Advertising and Sales promotion

Unit VII: Consumer and Industrial Buying Behavior

UGC NET Paper 2 Management Updated Syllabus Code 17  The act of human behavior in buying, paying interest in the product, the decision processes with the product, the emerging trends in the market, international involvement in marketing in the industry. This type of analysis is studied under the topics.

Consumer and Industrial Buying BehaviourTheories and Models of Consumer Behaviour
Brand ManagementRole of Brands, Brand Equity, Equity Models, Developing a Branding Strategy; Brand Name Decisions, Brand Extensions and Loyalty
Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Drivers, Value creation, Supply Chain Design, Designing and Managing Salesforce, Personal Selling—
Service MarketingManaging Service Quality and Brands, Marketing Strategies of Service Firms
Customer Relationship MarketingRelationship Building, Strategies, Values and Process
Retail MarketingRecent Trends in India, Types of Retail Outlets
Emerging Trends in MarketingConcept of e-Marketing, Direct Marketing, Digital Marketing and Green Marketing
International MarketingEntry Mode Decisions, Planning Marketing Mix for International Markets

Unit VIII: Statistics for Management

UGC NET Paper 2 Management Updated Syllabus Code 17  A statistical data management system designed to analyze, organize, and examine business problems with the help of hypothesis testing, analysis on correlation, monitoring sequencing, and resource planning type of management.

Statistics for ManagementConcept, Measures Of Central Tendency and Dispersion, Probability Distribution – Binominal, Poison, Normal and Exponential
Data Collection & Questionnaire Design 
SamplingConcept, Process and Techniques
Hypothesis TestingProcedure; T, Z, F, Chi-square tests
Correlation and Regression Analysis 
Operations ManagementRole and Scope
Facility Location and LayoutSite Selection and Analysis, Layout – Design and Process
Enterprise Resource PlanningERP Modules, ERP implementation
Scheduling; Loading, Sequencing, and Monitoring 
Quality Management and Statistical Quality Control, Quality Circles, Total Quality ManagementKAIZEN, Benchmarking, Six Sigma; ISO 9000 Series Standards
Operation ResearchTransportation, Queuing Decision Theory, PERT / CPM

Unit IX: International Business Syllabus

UGC NET Paper 2 Management Updated Syllabus Code 17 This particular topic section emphasizes more on the trade of goods and services, technology, investment across national borders, involving an international flow of business, international trade procedure, and documentation to foreign direct investment, and more.

International BusinessManaging Business in Globalization Era; Theories of International Trade; Balance of payment
Foreign Direct InvestmentBenefits and Costs
Multilateral regulation of Trade and Investment under WTO—
International Trade Procedures and Documentation; EXIM Policies
Role of International Financial InstitutionsIMF and World Bank
Information TechnologyUse of Computers in Management Applications; MIS, DSS
Artificial Intelligence and Big Data—
Data Warehousing, Data Mining and Knowledge ManagementConcepts Managing Technological Change

Unit X: Entrepreneurship Development

Involving topics in the following with regards to enhancement of skills and knowledge of entrepreneurs through planning, innovations in businesses, developing in the kind of entrepreneurship to improve the business and economy.

Entrepreneurship DevelopmentConcept, Types, Theories and Process, Developing Entrepreneurial Competencies
IntrapreneurshipConcept and Process
Women Entrepreneurship and Rural Entrepreneurship—
Innovations in BusinessTypes of Innovations, Creating and Identifying Opportunities, Screening of Business Ideas
Business Plan and Feasibility AnalysisConcept and Process of Technical, Market and Financial Analysis
Micro and Small Scale Industries in India; Role of Government in Promoting SSI—
Sickness in Small IndustriesReasons and Rehabilitation
Institutional Finance to Small IndustriesFinancial Institutions, Commercial Banks, Cooperative Banks, Micro Finance

UGC NET Management Mock tests and Online Classes

UGC NET Management Free pdf notes and study material is helpful to crack the NTA exam. The notes, books, ebooks, e-books, study material, mock tests, online courses and live classes are taken by our expert and experienced faculty. You can join our free demo classes online for UGC NET Management. The classes are taken online with free pdf notes and study material. And the user can also read the ebooks online through our android App.

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