UGC NET PDF Notes & Study Material Paper 1: UGC NET Exam is conducted twice a year by NTA. There are ten units in Paper-1 with MCQs & Mock Test. And each unit has equal weightage in the examination. Most Important Topics in UGC NET People, Polity & Environment, Logical Reasoning, Mathematical Reasoning, Teaching Aptitude, Research Aptitude, Communication, ICT, Higher Education, Data Interpretation (DI), Higher Education System.
UGC NET Paper 1Â
UGC NET Paper 1 consists of 10 units and it’s a general aptitude test taken by NTA UGC in NET Exam. The time to attempt 50 questions remain 60 minutes. There is no negative marking. So Paper 1 is mandatory to qualify for the NET exam. If you failed in paper 1 then your paper 2 will not be examined or paper 2 alone will not make you eligible to qualify for the exam, whether you having a full mark in paper 2 but you need to qualify for paper 1 in NET Exam
NTA UGC NET Paper 1 PDF Notes | eBooks
Here you can get the UNit-wise pdf notes or ebooks for NTA UGC NET Paper 1. All units having conceptual and theoretical backgrounds followed by a list of MCQs at the end of each pdf note or ebook. Download pdf notes Here:
Unit-1: Teaching Aptritude
Unit-2: Research Aptitude
Unit-3: Comprehensive
Unit-6: Mathematical Reasoning
Unit-8: Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Unit-9: People, Polity & Environment
Unit-10: Higher Education System
NTA UGC NET Paper 1 Study Material
The printed books and study material are also available for NTA UGC NET Paper 1. It contains all complete 10 units with more than 10000 MCQs and previous year Question papers for Paper 1.
Buy Now: NTA UGC NET Paper 1 Complete printed Book / Study Material | ![]() |
NTA UGC NET Paper 1 Mock Test and MCQs
The Mock Test and MCQs play a very important role in the preparation of the NTA UGC NET Exam for Paper 1 & II. It gives you an idea that what types of questions asked generally asked in the Paper 1 Exam. So we tried to help the students to prepare some MCQs and Mock tests based on general theoretical concepts.
You can follow the Paper 1 Syllabus give Here to prepare for your upcoming UGC NET Exam.
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