Easy Notes 4U Academy

Financial management: Ratio Analysis and Its Objectives

In this article , we are going through the ratios analysis which is important for any organization to assess their stability, liquidity, profitability and solvency and it is useful for the commerce and management students also. Ratio Analysis The term ratio analysis consists of two terms I.e. ratio and analysis. Ratio means numerical relationship between […]

Financial Analysis: Types and Techniques/Tools

In this article, we will go through the types and tools of financial analysis useful for organizations, outside parties and many more and useful for commerce and management students. Financial Analysis is defined as being the process of identifying financial strength and weakness of a business by establishing relationship between the elements of balance sheet and […]

Financial Analysis: Meaning , uses and steps to an effective statement analysis

in this article, we will share the financial analysis, its uses , types and steps to an effective statement analysis, which is useful for any organization and for commerce and management students: Financial analysis The process of reviewing and analyzing a company`s financial statements to make better economic decisions is called analysis of financial statements. […]

Format of Balance Sheet of a Company

In this article, we will go through the format of the balance sheet of a company recommend under the company act, 2013. it is essential for companies and useful for commerce and management students. What is the balance sheet A balance sheet is a financial statement that communicates the so-called” book value” of an organization, […]

financial statements of a company and its provisions

In this topic , we will discuss the financial statements of a company and provisions of Section 129 of the Companies Act, 2013 in this regard; Financial statements Financial statements are the statements which provide information about the profitability and the financial position of an enterprise. They provide a summary of the accounts of a […]

meaning, definition, Nature or Characteristics, Objectives, Importance, and scope of Management Accounting.

Management Accounting – Meaning, Definition, Nature, Scope, Importance & Objectives

In this topic, we will cover Management Accounting – meaning, definition, Nature or Characteristics, Objectives, Importance, and scope which is useful for every organization whether it is for-profit or nonprofit. and useful for commerce and management students.\ Let’s start learning about the meaning, definition, Nature or Characteristics, Objectives, Importance, and scope of Management Accounting. Meaning […]

Financial Leverages – operating, Financial & Composite (Management)

In this topic, we will cover Financial Leverages – operating, Financial & Composite leverage (Management) which is an important technique to measure the effectiveness of capital structure owned by any business organization and useful for UGC NET, Commerce, and Management students. Keep reading our latest articles subscribe to our blog from below: Financial leverages- Financial […]

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