Easy Notes 4U Academy


DELEGATIVE LEGISLATION: AN UNSUNG UPHOLDER OF DEMOCRACY   Abstract Delegated legislation is an essential component of administrative law that allows authorities other than the legislature to make legal rules within the framework of a primary statute. This article explores the meaning, definition, and growth of delegated legislation, with a comparative analysis of its implementation in […]

The Bhartiya Vayuyan Vidheyak, 2024: Modernizing India’s Aviation Sector for a Sustainable and Secure Future

Introduction The Bhartiya Vayuyan Vidheyak, 2024 The Bhartiya Vayuyan Vidheyak, 2024, represents a groundbreaking step in reshaping India’s aviation regulatory framework. This legislation supersedes the Aircraft Act, 1934, a colonial-era law that had become obsolete in addressing the needs of modern aviation. The new Vidheyak seeks to bridge gaps in regulatory oversight, integrate emerging technologies, […]

Understanding Citation Systems: A Detailed Guide to APA, MLA, OSCOLA, Bluebook, ILI, and Chicago

INTRODUCTION Citations play a crucial role in academic writing by acknowledging the work of others and giving credit where it’s due. They serve to provide credibility, trace the origins of ideas, and allow readers to verify sources. Different academic disciplines and professional fields require different citation styles, each with its own set of rules and […]

Safeguarding the Nation: An Overview of India’s Emergency Provisions

The Emergency provisions in the Indian Constitution, detailed under Part XVIII (Articles 352 to 360), grant the central government the authority to handle extraordinary situations that threaten the security, governance, or financial stability of the country. These provisions allow for the declaration of different types of emergencies based on specific grounds: These provisions have been […]

Road Safety and Financial Protection: Third-Party Insurance Mandate under Section 146 (MV ACT, 1988) in India and Global Context

Road Safety and Financial Protection: Third-Party Insurance Mandate under Section 146 in India and Global Context Introduction Third-party insurance is a critical component of motor vehicle regulation globally. It serves to protect victims of road accidents by ensuring that they receive compensation for injuries, fatalities, or property damage. In India, Section 146 of the Motor […]

Safeguarding Cyberspace: The Imperative for Cybercrime and Internet Law Strategies. The article is all about cyberattack cybersecurity

Safeguarding Cyberspace: The Imperative for Cybercrime and Internet Law Strategies

Safeguarding Cyberspace: The Imperative for Cybercrime and Internet Law Strategies. The article is all about cyberspace cyberattack internet law strategies cybersecurity INTRODUCTION; In an increasingly digital world, the importance of robust cybercrime and internet law strategies cannot be overstated. From financial fraud to data breaches and cyberattacks, the threats to individuals, businesses, and governments in […]

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