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Business Management & Economics PDF Notes – UGC NET Management

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In this book of business management & managerial economics for UGC NET Management, MBA, BBA, M.COM, B.COM, we are going to explain every aspect of economics and business. It includes management functions, theories, approaches, communication, decision making, controlling, organizational structure, pricing strategies, production functions, demand, supply, elasticity, pricing strategy, return to scale, price determination, theory of cost, etc.


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In this book eBook of business management and  economics PDF Notes and Study Material for UGC NET Management, MBA, BBA, M.COM, B.COM, we are going to explain every aspect of economics and business. It includes management functions, theories, approaches, communication, decision making, controlling, organizational structure, pricing strategies, production functions, demand, supply, elasticity, pricing strategy, return to scale, price determination, theory of cost, etc.

Contents for Business Management & Managerial Economics PDF Notes – UGC NET Management

Sr.No Particulars
1. Management Notes – Concept,  Process,  Theories and Approaches,  Management Roles and Skills
2. Functions –  Planning,  Organizing, Staffing, Coordinating, Controlling.
3. Communication –  Types, Process, Barriers.
4. Decision Making Concept, Process, Techniques & Tools
5. Organization Structure and Design: Types, Authority, Responsibility, Centralisation, Decentralisation, Span of Control
6. Managerial Economics Notes –  Concept & Importance
7. Demand analysis – Utility Analysis, Indifference Curve, Elasticity & Forecasting
8. Market Structures – Market Classification & Price Determination
9. National Income – Concept, Types, Measurement
10. Inflation – Concept, Types, Measurement
11. Business Ethics & CSR
12. Ethical Issues & Dilemma
13. Corporate Governance
14. Value Based Organisation


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Business Economics PDF Notes – UGC NET Management – It’s Meaning, Definition, Nature and Types


Businesses need to make crucial decisions on a day to day basis. These decisions can be about an investment opportunity, a new product, a new competitor or the direction of a company. For such important decisions, businesses need to rely on experts. These experts come from the background of Managerial Economics. Managerial Economists get to sit at the table with the executives, rather than be a part of the executive branch of the company. They are the experts who provide monetary value to the different opportunities and then urge the company to proceed. 

Throughout history, monetary economics has tried to answer the simple question –  What value does money hold in a society? It is simple today, but in the ancient days, money had no inherent value. This was changed when ships started to sail across the world and trade began. Now, merchants devised a way of credit and exchange in order to facilitate trade. Ever since monetary economics has tried to understand the purchasing power of money and linking it to interest rates and economic activities.

What is Business Economics?

Business economics for UGC NET Management, MBA, BBA, M.COM, B.COM is a stream of management studies that emphasizes primarily solving business problems and decision-making by applying the theories and principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics. It is a specialized stream dealing with an organization’s internal issues by using various economic theories. Economics is an indispensable part of any business. All the business assumptions, forecasting, and investments are derived from this single concept. This is managerial economics meaning in a

Business management PDF Notes

Business management UGC NET Management, MBA, BBA, M.COM, B.COM definition is managing the coordination and organization of business activities. This typically includes the production of materials, money, and machines, and involves both innovation and marketing. Management is in charge of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the business’s resources so they can meet the objectives of the policy.

What Does Management Do?

Managers and directors have the responsibility and power to look over an enterprise and make decisions. The management size can be anything from a single person in an organization to thousands of managers in companies that are in different nations. In bigger organizations, the policy is defined by the board of directors and then carried out by the CEO, or chief executive officer.

Some people think the best way to evaluate a company’s future and current worth depends on the experience and quality of the managers. The goal of management is to get people together to achieve the same desired objectives and goals by using the resources that are available in an effective and efficient way.

Management functions include the following:

  • Organizing
  • Directing or leading
  • Planning
  • Staffing
  • Controlling an organization

They also encompass the manipulation and deployment of financial resources, natural resources, human resources, and technological resources. Management is necessary to facilitate a united effort towards achieving the company’s goals.

What Is Business Management System?

Business Management System, or BMS, is a toolset that’s used for tactical implementation and strategic planning of practices, processes, policies, guidelines, and procedures to use in the deployment, execution, and development of business strategies and plans, as well as any associated management activities. They provide a foundation for both tactical and strategic business decisions when it comes to current processes, tasks, activities, and procedures with the goal of meeting all objectives an organization has and satisfying the customer expectations and needs.

The main idea of Business Management System is to give management the tools for monitoring, planning, and controlling their activities and measure the performance of a business. They also aim to put into effect continuous improvement processes in the company. This system finds the principles of the organization’s existence and is linked closely to business success criteria. It is a multi-level hierarchy of different business solutions that show how an organization that’s profit-oriented will perform different functions, such as marketing, sales, staffing, and purchasing to complete a task successfully.


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