Easy Notes 4U Academy

The NTA UGC NET Paper 1 Book PDF Notes Study Material is written afresh by renowned author and professor Dr. Gaurav Jangra. The book contains a total of 10 units - teaching aptitude, research aptitude, communication, data interpretation, logical reasoning, mathematical reasoning, ICT, People Polity Environment, and the Higher Education System. 

NTA UGC NET Paper 1 Book | Notes by Dr. Gaurav Jangra (3rd Edition – 2023)

The NTA UGC NET Paper 1 Book PDF Notes Study Material is written afresh by renowned author and professor Dr. Gaurav Jangra. The book contains a total of 10 units – teaching aptitude, research aptitude, communication, data interpretation, logical reasoning, mathematical reasoning, ICT, People Polity Environment, and the Higher Education System.  NTA UGC NET Paper […]

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