Easy Notes 4U Academy

Financial Ratio Analysis : Meaning, Definition, Types, Formula – Liquidity, Solvency, Profitability, Efficiency, Market Ratio

In this article we will discuss about meaning, definitions, types and formula of Ratio analysis that compares two or more financial variables to provide insights into a company’s financial condition, liquidity, solvency, profitability, efficiency / activity, market and operational efficiency. Meaning and Definitions Meaning and definitions – Ratio Analysis is a financial analysis technique that […]

Dematerialization of Shares: Meaning, Process and Benefits

What is Dematerialization? Dematerialization is the process of converting your physical shares and securities into digital or electronic form. The basic agenda is to smoothen the process of buying, selling, transferring and holding shares and also about making it cost-effective and foolproof. All your securities are stored in an electronic form instead of physical certificates. […]

Business Finance MCQs – UGC NET | Commerce | Management

Here we are going to explain some important MCQs for Business Finance which is useful for UGC NET Commerce as well as Management Subjects. Business Finance MCQs – UGC NET | Commerce | Management Which from the following is NOT an example of intangible assets? (A) Trademarks (B) Patents (C) Buildings (D) Technical expertise The […]

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