Printed Books, Notes & Study Material for Competitive Exams such as NTA UGC NET, UGC NET Paper 1, UGC NET Paper 2 Commerce, UGC NET Management, MBA, BBA, M.COM, B.COM, Haryana G.K.
Business Organization and Management Paperback Book for MBA, BBA, B.COM and M.COM
0The Book Business Organization and Management is suitable for MBA, BBA, B.COM, and M.COM as well as UGC NET Commerce and Management Students. In this book we have tried to cover each topic.
Fundamentals of Marketing Management Book by Dr. Gaurav Jangra for MBA BBA B.COM & M.COM
0This Fundamentals of marketing management book is helpful for UGC NET, MBA, M.COM, BBA, and B.COM Students. The book is divided into various chapters followed by MCQs at the end of the book.
NTA UGC NET Paper 1 Book | Notes & Study Material
0The complete book of NTA UGC NET Paper 1 Book Latest Updated Edition. UGC NET Paper 1 Notes and Study Material as per latest syllabus & pattern by Dr. Gaurav and Monika Jangra as per the new latest Syllabus. You can go through the whole topic with MCQs.
UGC NET Commerce Printed Book | Notes & Study Material
0This UGC NET Commerce book contains the latest syllabus. The UGC NET Commerce notes are updated. The UGC NET Commerce Study Material is as per the latest pattern. Prepare effectively for the UGC NET Commerce study notes exam with our meticulously designed study materials. This comprehensive package is tailored to meet the latest syllabus and exam pattern, ensuring you have the best resources at your disposal.
UGC NET Management Printed Book | Notes & Study Material
0This UGC NET Management book contains the latest syllabus. The UGC NET Management notes are updated. The UGC NET Management Study Material is as per the latest pattern. Prepare effectively for the UGC NET Management study notes exam with our meticulously designed study materials. This comprehensive package is tailored to meet the latest syllabus and exam pattern, ensuring you have the best resources at your disposal.
UGC NET Paper 1 & Paper 2 Commerce Combo Books, Notes & Study Material
0Here we are come with a surprising offer for NTA UGC NET Aspirants as UGC NET Paper 1 & Paper 2 Commerce Combo Books, Notes & Study Material. It includes all complete 10 units of paper and paper 2 commerce as per latesdt syllabus and pattern of UGC NET
UGC NET Paper 1 & Paper 2 Management Combo Books, Notes & Study Material
0Here we are come with a surprising offer for NTA UGC NET Aspirants as UGC NET Paper 1 & Paper 2 Management Combo Books, Notes & Study Material. It includes all complete 10 units of paper and paper 2 Management as per latest syllabus and pattern of UGC NET