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the concepts of Capital Receipts | Revenue Receipts | Capital Expenditure | Revenue Expenditure, Deferred revenue expenditure in Accounting.

Capital Receipts | Revenue Receipts | Capital Expenditure | Revenue Expenditure | Deferred – Accounting

In this article we will discuss the concepts of Capital Receipts | Revenue Receipts | Capital Expenditure | Revenue Expenditure, Deferred revenue expenditure in Accounting. Certainly, let’s delve deeper into each concept: Capital Receipts Capital Receipts: Revenue Receipts Revenue Receipts: Capital Expenditure Capital Expenditure: Revenue Expenditure Revenue Expenditure: Deferred Revenue Expenditure Deferred Revenue Expenditure: Understanding […]

Trial Balance: Meaning, Definitions, Nature, Characteristics, Needs, Importance, Objectives, Format, Methods, Preparation, Procedure of preparation

Trial Balance: Meaning, Definitions, Nature, Characteristics, Needs, Importance, Objectives, Format, Methods, Preparation, Procedure of preparation

In this article we will discuss about Trial Balance: Meaning, Definitions, Nature, Characteristics, Needs, Importance, Objectives, Format, Methods, Preparation, Procedure of preparation Meaning of Trial Balance Trial Balance is an important accounting tool used to ensure the accuracy of a company’s financial records. It is typically prepared at the end of an accounting period, such […]

Today in this article we are discussing about Journal Accounting Meaning, Definition, Nature, Importance, Objectives, Types, Process

Journal Accounting: Meaning, Definition, Nature, Importance, Objectives, Types, Process

Today in this article we are discussing about Journal Accounting Meaning, Definition, Nature, Importance, Objectives, Types, Process Meaning and Definitions of Journal Accounting Meaning and Definition: An accounting journal, commonly referred to as a book of original entry, is a chronological record of financial transactions. It serves as the first step in the accounting process, […]

We are going to discuss accounting: Meaning, Definitions, Nature Characteristics, Scope, Importance, Objectives, utilities, and Limitations.

Accounting: Meaning, Definitions, Nature, Scope, Importance, Objectives, Utilities & Limitations

In this article we are going to discuss about Accounting: Meaning, Definitions, Nature Characteristics, Scope, Importance, Objectives, Utilities & Limitations. It is useful for Financial accounting and business accounting students. Meaning of accounting Meaning of Accounting: Meaning: Accounting is the systematic process of recording, summarizing, analyzing, and interpreting financial transactions and information of an entity. […]

Depreciation - Meaning, Nature, Scope, Importance, Types & Methods, Formula, Examples

Depreciation – Meaning, Nature, Scope, Importance, Types & Methods, Formula, Examples

In this article we will provide you with an overview of depreciation, including its meaning, nature, scope, importance, types and Methods Meaning of Depreciation Meaning of depreciation : Meaning of Depreciation refers to the gradual decrease in the value of a tangible asset over time due to wear and tear, obsolescence, or other factors. It […]

Financial Ratio Analysis : Meaning, Definition, Types, Formula – Liquidity, Solvency, Profitability, Efficiency, Market Ratio

In this article we will discuss about meaning, definitions, types and formula of Ratio analysis that compares two or more financial variables to provide insights into a company’s financial condition, liquidity, solvency, profitability, efficiency / activity, market and operational efficiency. Meaning and Definitions Meaning and definitions – Ratio Analysis is a financial analysis technique that […]

Accounting and Auditing MCQs, Notes, Study Material – UGC NET Commerce

In this section we are going to discuss about some important MCQs on Accounting and Auditing MCQs for UGC NET Commerce Notes & Study Material. The contents included in this unit are Financial Accounting, Corporate Accounting, Partnership Accounting, Cost and Management Accounting and Auditing and whole syllabus of Unit 2: Accounting and Auditing for UGC […]

Business Finance MCQs – UGC NET | Commerce | Management

Here we are going to explain some important MCQs for Business Finance which is useful for UGC NET Commerce as well as Management Subjects. Business Finance MCQs – UGC NET | Commerce | Management Which from the following is NOT an example of intangible assets? (A) Trademarks (B) Patents (C) Buildings (D) Technical expertise The […]

Financial Management: Capital Budgeting Process

in this article, we will study the capital budgeting and its process which is useful for commerce and management students. WHAT IS CAPITAL BUDGETING? Capital budgeting is a company’s formal process used for evaluating potential expenditures or investments that are significant in amount. It involves the decision to invest the current funds for addition, disposition, […]

Financial management: financial ratio analysis

In this topic, we will learn how to calculate financial ratios and their interpretations.. it is useful for  working organizations, companies, NGOSs and for commerce and management students.. Financial Ratio Analysis Financial ratio analysis is performed by comparing two items in the financial statements. The resulting ratio can be interpreted in a way that is […]

financial Accounting: Accounting concepts & principles

In this topic we will cover Accounting concepts and principles which are the basis of accounting statements and useful for commerce and management students. Accounting concepts and principles Accounting principles, concepts and conventions commonly known as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles or GAAP`s are the basic rules that define the parameters and constraints within which accounting operates. […]

Journal, Ledger & Trial Balance (Financial Accounting) - Practical Problems and Solutions

Journal, Ledger & Trial Balance (Financial Accounting) – Practical Problems and Solutions

Journal, Ledger and Trial Balance (Financial Accounting) In this article, we will discuss the basic concepts of financial accounting i.e. journal, ledger, and trial balance as per financial accounting rules. In this topic, we also cover how to prepare journal, ledger, and trial balance with practical problems and solutions. 1. JOURNAL Definition: In the accounting world, Journal […]

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